6 May 2023

Together, or Otherwise a(part), MAPBM's first exhibition in the city, featured the work of 18 MAPBM member artists: Alan Schacher, Beata Geyer, Cinzia Cremona, Chia Moan, Fiona Davies, Janet Saunders, Jo Rankine, Jody Graham, Julie Paterson, Linda Adair, Margarita Sampson, M Bozzec, Patricia Abela, Rhonda Dee, Ro Murray, Susan Andrews, Tess Rapa and Tom Isaacs.
Together or Otherwise a(part)
At the core of the human condition is the desire, want, basic need to connect. To another person, an idea, a place, an event or situation. To connect, however, is often far from a simple undertaking, often fraught and complex. This has been no more obvious than in the last few years when connecting or otherwise, has been for many of us radically redefined and considered. Together or otherwise a(part) asks participants and audiences to consider the complex nature of making connection.
The exhibition ran from from 6 May 2023 to 21 May at Articulate Project Space, 497 Parramatta Rd Leichhardt NSW 2040