'Eternal multiswarm of electrical Power...' Energies, Buddhism, and Jack Kerouac's visionary experience, with Douglas Kahn

In an elemental physics and cultural dynamics of matter-energy-information, energy has been the odd one out. It is also the stuff from which much in the arts is crafted, not just this vision. Using the poet Anne Waldman's concept of male energy as a guide, I will introduce what drives this still-point epiphany at the centre of the world's most famous road novel. All welcome, no need to have read or tolerated Kerouac.

As the start of a new MAPBM public seminar series, we were pleased to present a talk by Mountains writer Douglas Kahn - ‘Eternal multiswarm of electrical Power...'Energies, Buddhism, and Jack Kerouac's visionary experience at RoseyRaveston Books, 1 Badgery Crescent Lawson on Wednesday 21 August 2024. This talk is now available on the MAPBM Vimeo channel at https://vimeo.com/1005671417.

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